I am a Danish visual artist and teacher. After four years in the Netherlands and three years with one foot in Britain, I am back in my home country. In between travelling.

My approach to creative work

My paintings and sketches are inspired by places and people I encounter. I have an anthropological approach to visual artwork, with a keen eye for cultural and social subtleties. In my works sometimes people are lifted out of their surroundings, which are occasionally replaced with a graphic background: Just like digitization constantly mixes places, realities, and people.

‘Joie de vivre’ is a characteristic of many of my works, as a counterweight to the misery we are confronted with in the media. Blinkers off, I believe that a balance is needed. To keep courage.

I work mainly with ink, pigment and pastel, as I prefer a subtle and unpolished expression.

Education and professional background

I hold a Bachelor in Education from University College Copenhagen and a M.Sc. in International Business Administration and Modern Languages from Copenhagen Business School. Furthermore, I have studied Communication and Journalism at Webster University and London School of Journalism. In addition, I have taken various art courses throughout my life.

I worked with communications for 20+ years, before switching to teaching. My primary teaching subjects are Danish language, social studies, and of course, visual art. 

Drop me a line if you are interested in my art or my teaching. And feel free to follow me on Instagram.